Register in 4 steps:
Step 1.
Go to the Play Rugby League site and search using the suburb, Menai, the postcode 2234 or the name of the club Menai Roosters.
Step 2.
To register you will require an NRL account. If you don’t have an NRL account just follow the prompts to create one during the registration process. Once you have found Menai Roosters select ‘Register’.
Step 3.
Login to your NRL Account and select the participant you wish to register or click ‘Add New Participant’.
Please note that for children you will be required to provide a profile photo, Service NSW voucher (if applicable) and ID verification i.e. birth certificate.
Step 4.
Complete the registration form, ensuring that the type of Registration field is correct as per the role you are registering for (i.e. If you are registering to play Rugby League or Tag League, ensure this field says ‘Player Tackle or Player Tag’ etc.) If your are registering for Rooster Minis select the Minis registration page.